With a THOUGHTFUL AND DELIBERATE mix of images/bulleted lists/complete thoughts create a useful study guide for the exam next year.
This does NOT mean just slap 1,000,000 words on the page and call it a day. Instead I want you to design something to help you study for the IB DT exam in May 2023.
Make sure you EVERYTHING in the Concepts and Principles and Guidance (that's the middle column)!!!!!!!!!!!!
In pairs, you will be responsible for identifying each of the samples based on the description on the websites above in addition to the small piece of sandpaper for each person.
You will be given no more than 5 minutes per station.
Afterwards, we will debrief your findings.
(IF TIME) We will discuss key characteristics of each and then individually you will figure out what applications these materials would be ideal for.
What material(s) would be best for?
4 -- Raw Materials to final product
4.2B -- Plastics
Materials are selected for manufacturing products based primarily on their properties.
Materials are classified into six basic groups based on their different properties
Since you guys have trouble following simple directions (a 5 WORD EMAIL!!!) we are putting off the boat races and instead we'll take a bunch of notes...
Codega is out again today because he has to attend a district training for World History...sorry!
Send me a quick email if you are GOING TO BE AT SCHOOL THURSDAY. It's job shadowing day so just let me know if you are here or not...either way is fine but let me know if you are NOT job shadowing so I can figure out Thursday.
Today is going to be a CAS / EE work day in here.
Make some progress on both of these things. You can always do more research for the EE and a lot of you have meetings with Keller so you can get going with CAS stuff...
If you are still looking for things to do you can complete some homework for another class that you probably didn't finish last night...
Check this space for what we are up to on Thursday!
2 -- Resource management and sustainable production
2.4 -- Clean Technology
Resource management and sustainable production carefully consider three key issues—consumption of raw materials, consumption of energy, and production of waste—in relation to managing resources and reserves effectively and making production more sustainable.
Codega remains out with COVID but will return next week!
But for real, this is my 3rd dance with The Rona and it was by far the worst...stay safe out on these streets kiddos!
Thanks to Mr. Duncan for watching over you guys last class. Chances are you didn't complete the following:
Take the notes on 2.4 - 2.6 (link is in the agenda from last class)
Those better be done BECUASE since I have all this free time I'm going to make a quiz on those notes that you'll take Tuesday...just saying is all...
We also need to start working on the RECYCLED REGATTA!
Since I'm not there we obviously cannot start to build them BUT you can start thinking about two main things:
What type of trash could I collect that might make a good boat? What properties should it have?
What types of design makes a boat go fast?
This is actually really tricky. It WILL require some research....
These need to be sailboats (a fan will provide the energy to move them) NOT rafts...so research accordingly.
Last year I had the best boat ever constructed in this class by Jules Lynch...if you can defeat her boat (if I can find it) there will be a sizable reward....
Here are the design specifications again:
Function – boat must be able to travel 10 feet along a shallow body of water.
1.b -- Freestanding and the ability to remain upright throughout the entire race (10 ft.)
Standing width – between 3.5 – 4.25 inches wide -- IT MUST FIT WITHIN THE GUTTER!
Standing height & length – no taller than 12 inches and no longer than 6 inches.
Standing depth – no deeper than two inches (below the water -- the course will be pretty shallow).
Materials – ability to float and waterproof.
Must look like a boat!
Green Design – MUST be made from trash/items soon to be trash.
In the meantime you need to start researching what makes a sail boat work
How should the hull be shaped? What is an effective sail design?
You also have to make a CAD drawing of your design
2 -- Resource management and sustainable production
2.4 -- Clean Technology
Resource management and sustainable production carefully consider three key issues—consumption of raw materials, consumption of energy, and production of waste—in relation to managing resources and reserves effectively and making production more sustainable.
In here you will be assigned a piece of international legislation that you will briefly research and create a poster outlining its major provisions.
Kyoto Protocols
Paris Agreement (2015)
Major details (what it outlawed/aimed to reduce/etc.)
Notable participant countries and notable NON participant countries
Be sure to include if this is a radical or incremental piece of legislation W/ an example
An Image that you feel captures the essence of your legislation!
Start to research sailboat design
What makes a sailboat fast?
hull shape?
sail shape?
what else?
Function – boat must be able to travel 10 feet along a shallow body of water.
1.b -- Freestanding and the ability to remain upright throughout the entire race (10 ft.)
Standing width – between 3.5 – 4.25 inches wide -- IT MUST FIT WITHIN THE GUTTER!
Standing height & length – no taller than 12 inches and no longer than 6 inches.
Standing depth – no deeper than two inches (below the water -- the course will be pretty shallow).
Materials – ability to float and waterproof.
Ascetics – Must look like a boat!
Green Design – MUST be made from trash/items soon to be trash.
2 -- Resource management and sustainable production
2.1 -- Resources and Reserves
Resource management and sustainable production carefully consider three key issues -- consumption of raw materials, consumption of energy, and production of waste -- in relation to managing resources and reserves effectively and making production more sustainable.
Basic vocabulary activity -- Individual work to be completed in your notebook:
Working in pairs you will create a PPT slide about a subtopic from the packet. You need to read your section (and maybe a bit of what comes before it), talk about it and then create a PPT slide that summarizes the main ideas IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
The Topics:
The Circular Economy
Embodied Energy
Distributing Energy - The Grid system and Systems for Individual energy generation
Quantifications and mitigation of Carbon Emissions
Batteries, Capacitors, etc.
Your PPT slide must include the following:
The main info in your own words
A picture that relates to your topic
A max of 2 slides.
You have to quickly present it.
1/4 -- Happy New Year!!!
2 -- Resource management and sustainable production
2.1 -- Resources and Reserves
Resource management and sustainable production carefully consider three key issues -- consumption of raw materials, consumption of energy, and production of waste -- in relation to managing resources and reserves effectively and making production more sustainable.
Today we intro the topic or resources and sustainable production -- why is this a key factor for Design Tech?
Renewable vs. Nonrenewable resources individual work
In your notebook:
Define each term
Find five examples of each type of resource (NOT only energy!)
Renewable vs. nonrenewable resources activity (on the smartboard)
Quick notes on renewability and resource reserves
Find an example of a design that provided an innovative solution to meet basic human needs for energy, food and raw materials with renewable resources. Be ready to share with the class.
Basic vocabulary activity -- Individual work to be completed in your notebook:
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