- It's on TEAMS -- please take your time and make sure you answer all the questions as completely as possible
- Pay attention to what the question is asking AND how many marks they are worth. The more mark the longer the response (generally). We'll discuss a few of them before you start.
- This goes without saying but DO NOT CHEAT on this
- Everyone keeps their cameras on.
- If your answer has some stuff that I've never heard of then we are going to have some problems. You might get away with it or you might not but beware, I take cheating personal and if you get caught I will have VERY little sympathy for you and your grade WILL be impacted!
- None!
- Make sure if you have any 0s that you complete that work/remind me that you completed everything. If something on PowerSchool is blank then I haven't graded it -- if there is a 0 its been graded but I don't have anything.
- The fundamental principle of UCD is that understanding the needs of the users is the key to designing the best products and services.
1/4/21 & 1/6 -- Happy New Year and hopefully you are all COVID free!
- The fundamental principle of UCD is that understanding the needs of the users is the key to designing the best products and services.
12/11 - 12/15
1 -- Human Factors and Ergonomics
- 1.1a -- Anthropometrics
- 1.1b -- Psychological Factors
- 1.1c -- Physiological Factors
- Designers consider three human factors to ensure that products meet ergonomic needs.
- Take a look at the other human factors of design!
- Complete the following assignment:
- Create a commercial/Public Service Announcement reminding designers to consider Physiological or Psychological Factors into their designs.
- Codega will assign you a physiological or Psychological factor.
- STEP 1 -- Take some brief READING NOTES (these stay in your notebook) using this handout:
- STEP 2 -- Create a PSA
- Your PSA must include the following:
- A video 1:00 - 1:30 long
- A brief definition of your term
- A design context for the factor and an example of it in the real world!
- Some sort of slogan/catch phrase/whatever to help people remember to consider your factor.
- A bit of music (just to make it interesting...)
- Some kind of credits
- Here are the topics:
- Environmental Factor (Psychological Factor) - Thermal Comfort
- Brantly, Condon, Fritze, Gahagan, Wright-Thompson
- Environmental Factor (Psychological Factor) - Noise
- Goethe, Hutchison, Manning, Springs
- Environmental Factor (Psychological Factor) - Humidity
- Brumgart, Chambers, Chetwood, Dargan
- Environmental Factor (Psychological Factor) - Lighting
- Davenport, Garris, Griffin, Horton
- Physiological Factor - Biomechanics
- Long, McCullough, O'Connor. Pecina
- Physiological Factor - Comfort and fatigue
- Portney, Price, Ramos, Stokes, Vipperman
- And the RUBRIC
- What makes a good PSA you ask? Check these out!
- These are due AT THE START OF CLASS ON THURSDAY! We'll discuss how I want these turned in next class!
1 -- Human Factors and Ergonomics
- 1.1a -- Anthropometrics
- 1.1b -- Psychological Factors
- 1.1c -- Physiological Factors
- Designers consider three human factors to ensure that products meet ergonomic needs.
- Quick review of ANTHROPOMETRY (just some notes!)
- Let's find some design context for different types of anthropometric data:
- Using this document use the following pages of anthropometric data:
- These are the pdf pages (in the little box at the top of the navigation window)
- 28 - Eye height sitting
- 29 - Face Length
- 33
- 37
- 44
- 48
- 66
- 56
- 72
- 73
- 76 - Handgrip Strength
- Your job is to figure out what type of consumer product would use this data. For each page Codega expects at least 3 different types of products. For example, if it were for finger width don't just do ring, wedding ring, engagement ring, claddagh ring, etc. THINK CREATIVELY AND THINK SIMPLY!
- Make sure you for each entry in your notebook you write what the measurement is what the design context you came up with.
- Listen to the podcast on this page - https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/unpleasant-design-hostile-urban-architecture/
- provide a 25 word summary
- be ready to discuss next class!
1 -- Human Factors and Ergonomics
- 1.1a -- Anthropometrics
- 1.1b -- Psychological Factors
- 1.1c -- Physiological Factors
- Designers consider three human factors to ensure that products meet ergonomic needs.
- Quick talk about OnShape earbud holder design
- Take some quick notes:
- Take a few minutes to explore this web page. Then take additional notes in your notebook. We will be working with this in greater detail over the next few class periods so make sure you have a solid understanding of the topic.
- Find an anthropometric data set that interests you and complete the following:
- The organization that compiled the data
- The date it was published
- The domain (i.e. area) that the data set covers
- WHY you find it interesting...
- If you get done early you can read about why anthropometrics matters when designing a $23,000,000 toilet! - https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/nasa-just-sent-new-23-million-space-toilet-international-space-station-180976037/
- Finish whatever you don't get done in class and we'll see you next time!
12/1 & 12/3 -- Yikes, it's December already!
- Remember the things you did with TinkerCad a few weeks back?
- Time to make them in OnShape
- Create the basic CAD file (50)
- Create a 2D drawing page with all appropriate measurements (50)
- This will be a TEST GRADE and wrap up the modeling unit!
11/18 - 11/24
3.4 -- Computer Aided Design
- A computer-aided design is the generation, creation, development, and analysis of a design or system using computer software.
- Time for some more OnShape
- This time you'll be completing the OnShape Fundamentals: CAD Learning Pathway
- Again, you NEED TO KNOW HOW TO USE ONSHAPE and these tutorials are the best way to learn.
- Some of you will have trouble with this -- that's ok, you'll be richer for the experience!
- So here is where you can find it!
- Login to Onshape
- Learning Center
- Self paced courses
- Learning pathways
- Onshape fundamentals
- Onshape fundamentals: CAD
- There are six (6) lessons to complete before you get the certificate. These are going to take a while -- like around 6-10 hours depending on how you pick up OnShape. THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN COMPLETE THE NIGHT BEFORE ITs DUE -- YOU NEED TO CHIP AWAY AT IT (maybe walk away from it for a day) AND GET IT DONE!
- A screen capture of the certificate is due TUESDAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING!
- Rapid prototyping is the production of a physical model of a design using three-dimensional CAD data.
- Make sure you have the CAD stuff done and submitted!
- We'll be doing some more of this later in the week so get your mind right!
- Some quick notes on Rapid prototyping
- Let's watch some videos!
11/10 & 11/12
3.4 -- Computer Aided Design
- A computer-aided design is the generation, creation, development, and analysis of a design or system using computer software.
- Quick quiz on CAD content anyone?
- Talk about TinkerCAD -- how was that?
- Now let's get into OnShape
- Make sure you have an account (click here if this is still an issue for creating an education account)
- Once you have an account and are logged in head to:
- LEARNING CENTER (top right)
- Self Paced Courses
CERTIFICATE IS DUE ON SUNDAY NIGHT AT 10pm! Just send a screenshot please
3.4 -- Computer Aided Design
- Election update!
- We are living in historic times!
- Time to take a look at Computer aided design!
- More TOPIC 3
- Quick notes (just take out the packet we had from earlier and make sure you have the highlights covered).
- Next:
- go to https://www.tinkercad.com
- Create an account
- Play around with it and create something -- lets say something that keeps your earbuds untangled or if you have fancy ones then something that keeps them organized/so you don't lose them
- Let's try to sign up for a http://www.onshape.com account
- Just make sure you have an OnShape account ready to roll for next week -- this is going to be SUPER important!
10/29 & 11/4
- TOPIC 3.1 -- Identify the importance and use of Conceptual Modelling
- TOPIC 3.2 -- Identify and Define what a graphical model is and its importance to the overall design process.
- A conceptual model originates in the mind and its primary purpose is to outline the principles and basic functions of a design or system.
- Graphical models are used to communicate design ideas
- Today we'll work on this a bit more!
- Household product redesign.pdf
- First let's tackle any questions/concerns/comments you may have about it.
- Then we need to look at the existing market
- This is done two ways
- Take a look at existing products
- For this project create a table that looks at what already exists and its positives and negatives (aesthetics, price, availability, materials, whatever else)
PRODUCT (name and picture) |
+s |
-s |
- around 5 is good
- Check amazon, target, BB&B, alibaba, etc
- Try to find something out about the existing market for this type of product.
- Ex -- there were 25,000,000 toasters sold worldwide or whatever. It is a $10,000,000,000 industry
- All of this goes under the PROBLEM AND PICTURE
- Next let's talk about the Design Brief
- Read these links...
- The design brief is a PARAGRAPH (and a pretty good sized one at that!)
- This is due FRIDAY -- so if you've done it already then feel free to ask questions and stuff. Otherwise you are good for today!
- On Friday we'll discuss the next phase which are the DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS!
- TOPIC 3.1 -- Identify the importance and use of Conceptual Modelling
- TOPIC 3.2 -- Identify and Define what a graphical model is and its importance to the overall design process.
- A conceptual model originates in the mind and its primary purpose is to outline the principles and basic functions of a design or system.
- Graphical models are used to communicate design ideas
- Quick notes on physical models
- Then lets get into the anchor project we'll be dealing with for the next few weeks.
- Household product redesign.pdf
- We are going to work on this in parts. In order to do this relatively efficiently and for Codega to keep it straight you'll need to do the following:
- Create a new Word document
- Name it yourlastname_householdproduct -- for example -- codega_householdproduct
- Share that file with john.codega@richlandone.org
- All work on this project has to be done on that file so I can view it as we go along. This isn't going to be done in a day (more like a few weeks).
- Share the word document with me
- Brainstorm and select the household product you'd like to redesign
- Write up a short paragraph detailing what it is, what its supposed to do, and why it doesn't work.
- Take two pictures of it -- one just the thing and one in the context that it isn't working in (if that makes sense).
- Insert those pictures under the paragraph.
10/21 - 10/25
- TOPIC 3.1 -- Identify the importance and use of Conceptual Modelling
- TOPIC 3.2 -- Identify and Define what a graphical model is and its importance to the overall design process.
- A conceptual model originates in the mind and its primary purpose is to outline the principles and basic functions of a design or system.
- Graphical models are used to communicate design ideas
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